Wednesday, 19 February 2025

David Fernandez doesn't expect the Spanish Inquisition

 Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Certainly not David Fernández (born 1976), a Spanish football player who spent most of his career in Scotland playing for the football clubs Airdrie, Livingston, Celtic, Dundee United and Kilmarnock, a notable resident of Strathaven, South Lanarkshire.

Fernandez expects only to be appearing in Aberdeen Sheriff Court to bear false witness against me (Peter Dow) and my human right to freedom of expression, to bear false witness against our democratic rights and freedoms in Scotland, in Spain and in every other country under threat from Muslim terrorism and to bear false witness against our Scottish and Spanish common European heritage - Christian civilisation itself.

"Politicians have a right to speak and mix with crowds without the risk of violence, threats or intimidation." - wrote David Fernandez for the Scotsman published in July 2024 - just a few months after Fernandez had maliciously complained to the police about my political tweets, which complaint incited the police to the violence of smashing my Aberdeen flat door in to take me political prisoner for the purpose of threatening my freedom of speech with a malicious prosecution which intimidates me from doing my political service for the people as is my duty and my right.

It seems that David Fernandez is quite the hypocrite - a shameless liar whose lies in bearing false witness against me will be presented by the credulous prosecutors of Aberdeen Sheriff Court I expect.

Fernandez writing for the Scotsman about claiming to support political rights to speak is now shown up to be a liar and a fascist-wolf in liberal-sheep's clothing, a man who is apparently well up for police state violence, threats and intimidation when it suits his prejudices.

David is a retired football player but soon he will be appearing at a fixture in an Aberdeen court room where he will be playing in the witness box for the Paki-SNP, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and for every Muslim terrorist group which could benefit from anyone bearing false witness against me.

"KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Thousands of people watched as a woman, cowering beneath a pale blue all-enveloping burqa, was shot and killed today in the first public execution of a woman in Kabul since the Taliban religious army took control three years ago.

The woman, identified only as Zarmeena, a mother of seven children, was found guilty of beating her husband to death with a steel hammer as he slept. The reason for the killing two years ago was a family dispute," according to a Taliban soldier, who didn't give his name.

Zarmeena was taken from the back of a pickup truck that drove into the sports stadium."

The pitch of that Afghan sports stadium having been marked with white lines for football games, by the looks of the photograph of the execution. The woman is executed just inside the penalty box - but the Taliban's Sharia courts will not penalise the gunman for his cruel act of execution.

The Taliban who execute women on the pitch of an Afghan football stadium would cheer David Fernandez into the witness box against me - as will Scotland's Muslims including the wanna-be tartan-Taliban who dream of executing Scottish women at the Excelsior, Almondvale, Parkhead, Tannadice & Rugby Park stadiums - Muslim bullets in the heads of innocent Scottish women to the roar of the Muslim lynch-mob crowd, one day, Muslims in Scotland pray to Allah.

David Fernandez's kind of treachery to our European democratic values, if followed by football fans, will maim the beautiful game in Europe, subjecting Scots, Spaniards and other Europeans to the ugly spectacle in our home town stadiums of Islam, red in tooth and claw - stonings, hangings, cuttings of throats, beheadings, burnings alive - all for the glory of Islam and for the entertainment of "good Muslims" and regular Mosque attenders.

1983 executions of 10 Bahai women in Shiraz, Iran, hanged after refusing to renounce their non-Muslim faith. Such is the "glory of Islam" for which Muslims fight.

If David Fernandez knows his Spanish history, he would not dare to bear false witness against me in court. He would instead get tweeting on X to educate Scots about how Spain finally rid themselves of the Muslim terror by the Expulsion of the Moriscos - between 1492 and 1610 alone, about three million Muslims left or were expelled from Spain. By the end of the 18th century, indigenous Islam and Morisco identity were considered to have been extinguished in Spain.

Spanish history has shown Europeans how to defend Christian civilisation against the cruelty of the Muslim hordes who now threaten Europe's blessed heritage by the grace of God and the eternal love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

David Fernandez will be returning to his homeland of Spain soon I presume? The Inquisition may want to ask David a few questions, like these questions for example:

Modern Initiatives

"In reaction to the policy of Spain to facilitate access to Spanish citizenship by descendants of the Jews who were expelled from Spain, there has been demand from Muslims to apply a similar policy to the descendants of the Moriscos. In 2006 this demand received support from the parliament of Andalusia but has not gained broader support."

Would David Fernandez support this modern initiative to open the flood-gates to tens of millions of Muslims to come into Spain and make Spain once more a land whose people may be subjected to Muslim rule?

What does David say to the broad majority of reasonable Spaniards who oppose any such modern initiative?

Would David call Spaniards "racist" for opposing mass Muslim immigration into Spain?

If David does not dare to lie and bear false witness against most Spaniards then how dare he bear false witness against me, Peter Dow, in Scotland?

Peter Dow is not a "racist"

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