Saturday, 22 February 2025

An urgent matter for fiscal depute Ewan Wilson-McKay

Disclosed - Mr Ewan Wilson-McKay was the procurator fiscal-depute who petitioned Edinburgh Sheriff Court on 16th December 2024 for a warrant to Police Scotland to smash their way in to my Aberdeen home and grab my stuff.

I was given sight of Wilson-McKay's petition at a disclosure access meeting at Aberdeen Procurator Fiscal's Office, AB1 Crimon Place on Thursday, 20th February 2025 where I was allowed for an hour and a half to view the case papers and take notes but not allowed to take photographs to save time.

Note-taking was so slow that I wasn't allowed enough time to view all the papers so I have requested another disclosure access appointment, yet to be offered to me. 

I emailed Wilson-McKay yesterday when an autoresponder told me that he is on leave until 4th March 2025. It is an urgent matter so I have forwarded my email on to his colleagues at the Procurator Fiscal's Office in Edinburgh.


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025. Subject: PF Ref: AB25000403 Alastair Peter Dow. Return of property seized by police.

Dear Mr Wilson-McKay,

I am the accused Alastair Peter Dow representing myself in this case.
Your name was disclosed to me yesterday at Aberdeen Procurator Fiscal's Office when I was finally allowed to view case papers including your petition to the Sheriff Court in Edinburgh to grant a warrant to the police to seize my irreplaceable science research data held uniquely on my Dell Computer, described in the below-appended email.

I feel sure that it was not your intention to commit a crime against humanity by obstructing the progress of science for so long as my computer with its data is not returned to me - so I am leaving no stone unturned and writing to you to ask you to intervene in this case once more to explain to those-whom-it-may-concern that, given that I have consistently and on the record admitted tweeting the complained-about tweets on my X account "@_Peter_Dow", there is no extant rhyme nor reason for the police and prosecutors to hang onto my computer any longer and so my computer and indeed all of my property seized by police as per your petition for warrant should be returned to me forthwith.

You may care to examine the below email trail to see how I have strived in vain to explain matters to the Aberdeen prosecutors and Police Scotland, only to be met with an impenetrable wall of stalling and buck-passing.

I don't know who is the precise decision-maker at this stage who would be authorised to release my property back to me but I would be grateful if you could investigate this and write to the relevant decision-maker and ask him or her to release my property back to me because there is already in the case papers a veritable mountain of evidence to prove that I tweeted the complained-about tweets.

There would seem to be an opportunity for you now to right what once went wrong. Please take this opportunity now. Seize the day.

Yours sincerely,"
Return my computer urgently

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