Not sure why they call it a "minute"? Maybe because it only takes them a minute to decide it is TOO LONG DID NOT READ? 😀

The charges falsely and maliciously allege that the accused acted in a "racially aggravated manner", while the accused insists that he meant the word "Paki" as short for "Pakistani" without intending any racist connotation.
The accused's complained-about posts on X should be understood in the context of the relevant facts as stated below and as otherwise presented to the court via links to online content - facts about Islamic terrorism and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, facts about the Pakistani diaspora (including members of the Scottish Parliament Humza Yousaf & Kaukab Stewart) and facts about other Muslims.
The accused’s complained-about posts on X are adversarial posts in the nature of the cut and thrust of democratic political debate about how the government should better defend the people from Islamic terrorism, from Muslim violence against women and girls etc..
The accused posts on X are adequately moderated by X site rule administrators requiring no such anti-democratic interference by the police, prosecutors and the courts.
The accused has cause to defend his human rights, his freedom of expression and our democracy in Scotland against the procurator fiscal depute's prosecution.
At the first diet of the case on the 15th January 2025, before Sheriff Wark, the accused objected to the competency and relevancy of the complaint and the proceedings thereon, according to the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, Section 144, subsection (4) before pleading “NOT GUILTY” to the charge.
At an intermediate diet of the case on 25th February 2025, before Sheriff Foulis, the accused applied for leave of the court, on cause shown, to object under the same Section 144, but under subsection (5), this being a “future diet”, not the first diet.
The Sheriff suggested that the accused could withdraw his plea of “NOT GUILTY” which he did. The Sheriff further suggested that the accused could lodge a minute such as this for debate at the next diet which the accused agreed to do.
The accused craves the court on cause shown in this minute to grant leave to object to the competency and relevancy of the complaint and the proceedings thereon, according to the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, Section 144, subsection (5).
The accused further craves the court to dismiss the prosecution’s objectionable complaint and the proceedings thereon, according to justice.
Fact. The accused is a scientist.
See the photographic evidence of the accused's science qualifications - graduating from the University of Edinburgh with a degree of Bachelor of Science.

See - The accused's blog post listing links to some of the accused's published science posts.
Fact. One of the accused's science posts is titled -
"Submission to the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry", See -
from which this quote -
"From 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022, I was a scientist living in Aberdeen, Scotland and publishing my science advice on the internet which, if followed, could have saved many lives from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Before, during and since that period, the incompetent institutions of the UK, including the devolved Scottish Government and its institutions, had ignored, did ignore and still do ignore my advice and that of many other scientists.
I have even been taken political prisoner and repeatedly threatened with such for doing my duty to promote my high quality scientific advice as more worthy of consideration than the prejudices of UK officialdom, such as police officers, judges and government ministers."
So 10,000 Scots died unnecessarily because the Scottish Government would rather prosecute a scientist than follow the science.
Fact. The accused is a human rights defender.
The accused featured in a chapter of the Scottish-produced human rights documentary, "The New Ten Commandments" which premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2008 and was later broadcast on BBC 2 Scotland.
See -
View that 10-minute chapter as a YouTube video titled "Scottish republican socialist Peter Dow, author and protester"
Fact. The accused is not a racist.
See production - photographic evidence of the accused's socialising with black friends and acquaintances.

The accused's criticisms of Pakistan, Pakistanis, the Pakistani diaspora, Islam or Muslims do not feature unscientific notions of "race" in any shape or form.
Fact. The etymology of the word "Paki" was as a clipping or shortened form of the word "Pakistani", with no change of meaning. Originally there was no racist connotation to the use of the word.
See -
Fact. Many nationalities have clipped forms - "Brit" is a shorter word for "Briton", "Aussie" is short for "Australian", "Argie" is short for Argentinian, "Jap" for "Japanese" and so on.
Finding or adducing any such use of the shortened form of a nationality is not prima facie evidence of racism nor of acting in a racially aggravated manner and is not a proper basis upon which to found a competent arrest, warrant or prosecution.
Fact. The accused insists that by his use of the word "Paki" in X posts, here and elsewhere, he just means "Pakistani" or "Pakistani diaspora" or "Pakistan" as the case may be. The accused is not a racist so does not use that word nor any other word as a racist slur.
The accused is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty and so the accused’s use of the word "Paki" must be presumed to be without racist intent until proved otherwise.
At trial it would be up to the prosecution to adduce a sufficiency of evidence to prove a racist intention but since there is no prima facie evidence whatsoever of racism on the accused's part, the charge of "racially aggravated" cannot stick to the accused, as far as a Scottish court of law is concerned, though a Pakistani lynch mob may take exception to any innocent use of the word “Paki”.
Fact. In 2005, the BBC aired a documentary called "British, Paki and Proud". "The BBC programme followed the use of the term 'Paki' over the decades. Although it was deemed acceptable in mainstream television coverage in the seventies and early eighties, for many British Asians today it remains a totally unacceptable form of racist abuse."
See -”'Proud of the word "Paki"?'”
The accused is of an older generation which watched television in the 1970s and early 80s. Our generation was not and we are not a "racist" generation.
We did not and we do not use the word "Paki" as a form of racist abuse against British Asians who were welcomed to our shores after arriving legally.
British Asians picking an anti-racist fight with an non-racist such as the accused for correctly using the word “Paki” to mean “Pakistani”, would be barking up the wrong tree.
Stand up to racism, of course, but do so intelligently, not by lashing out at the accused on a misconceived pretext.
Fact. "Snowflake" is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.
See - “Snowflake (slang)”
This complaint has an unwarranted sense of entitlement to misrepresent what the accused means by “Paki”, cites witnesses who are overly emotional and easily offended by the accused’s insignificant posts on X and who are unable to deal democratically with the accused’s opposing opinion.
Fact. X site rules do not ban the use of the word "Paki", though X offers a facility for any user to "mute" any word or phrase so that posts with that word or phrase are not presented for reading to the user who has so muted the word or phrase.
See -
X also allows any user the ability to mute or similarly "block" all posts from "@_Peter_Dow" or from any other user so that none of the muted or blocked user's posts are presented to the user who has muted or blocked the other user.
See -
Further, X offers a "report" facility for users to report posts to X site administrators which potentially may have violated X site rules and terms of service, for examination and for X to consider appropriate moderation action.
See -
Therefore X offers several good and efficient options for any user who doesn't want to read any more of the accused "@_Peter_Dow" posts or indeed any posts using the word "Paki".
Viewing the X site is entirely voluntary and anyone is free not to visit and read the X site at all.
As the saying goes, if you can't stand the heat, don't go into the kitchen.
Dramatic and malicious complaints to the police about the accused’s posts on X waste the time of the police, the courts and the accused, without any cause to do so.
Suspension from the Commonwealth is a derogation from full membership. Suspending Pakistan was a derogating act but the Commonwealth was not acting in a "racially aggravated manner", nor could any prosecutor for Pakistan have competently charged the Commonwealth with such an erroneous charge.
See - “Suspension from the Commonwealth of Nation”
Fact. In October 2024, there was a call from Human Rights Non-Governmental Organisations to Suspend Pakistan from the Commonwealth Over Blasphemy Laws & Human Rights Violations.
See - “Call to Suspend Pakistan from the Commonwealth Over Blasphemy Laws & Human Rights Violations”
& “Open Letter to the Commonwealth Secretariat”
Suspension is a derogating act but these human rights NGOs do not call for action "in a racially motivated manner" as prosecutors for Pakistan could maliciously allege in a Pakistani court or even perhaps in a Scottish court misgoverned by or for the Pakistani diaspora, where any prosecutorial nonsense such as this can be mouthed at the tax-payers’ expense.
What a nightmare it would be for human rights NGOs to be prosecuted in Scotland falsely charged for seeking to suspend Pakistan from the Commonwealth in an allegedly "racially aggravated manner".
Fact. In 2007, after a political rally in Rawalpindi, former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. The Salafi jihadist militant group al-Qaeda claimed responsibility, although the involvement of the Pakistani Taliban and rogue elements of the intelligence services were also widely suspected.
See - “Benazir Bhutto - Assassination”
Musharraf may have had a hand in Bhutto's assassination too.
Fact. In October 2012, the Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai, a 15-year old girl targeted for her prize-winning female education rights activism in the Swat Valley, Pakistan. She survived with brain damage after treatment in England where she stayed to continue her education at Oxford University.
See - “Malala Yousafzai - Murder attempt”
& “Malala Yousafzai - Free Pakistan”
See - “Funeral of Paul McBride QC”
Fact. Following an Islamic terrorist attack on the United States of America in 2001, the UK military joined American allies in a coalition to wage a war on terror, hunting down the Islamic terrorist organisation responsible who were based in Afghanistan. The preferred land supply route to Afghanistan was via Pakistan which was permitted after the US pressured Pakistan not to dare to obstruct US military operations.
See "War in Afghanistan (2001 - 2021)”
Fact. Hundreds of British soldiers were killed and many more were injured by the Islamic terrorist Taliban attacks in Afghanistan.
See - “British Forces casualties in Afghanistan since 2001”
Western intelligence discovered that Pakistan was secretly aiding the Taliban to kill our soldiers while deceptively seeming to cooperate with the coalition forces.
The Afghan war is over. Our soldiers fought and died for a most worthy cause for which we are grateful. We will remember them.
We should also remember the treachery of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and beware the lies of Pakistan’s diplomats.
Fact. Pakistan has received a lot of undeserved foreign aid. The United Kingdom pledged £665 million to Pakistan from 2009 to 2013. Between 2014 and 2019, Pakistan was the largest recipient of direct UK foreign development aid.
See - “Foreign aid to Pakistan - United Kingdom”
While Pakistan accepted the UK’s aid, Pakistan supported the Taliban to kill British soldiers and Pakistan invested in its own nuclear weapons.
See - “Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction”
Other poorer countries lost out on foreign aid because so much foreign aid was being wasted on such an ungrateful, greedy and treacherous country as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Fact. For decades, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has secretly sponsored Islamic terrorist organisations including the Taliban. Pakistan's government denies its responsibility for Taliban attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan but top Western intelligence officers and diplomats discount such Pakistani denials, describing Pakistan as playing a double game - having superficially supported coalition forces in Afghanistan while actually opposing the coalition via secret support for the Taliban.
In 2011, the terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden was hunted down by the CIA and US special forces and killed in Pakistan where he was found in a safe house close to the Pakistani military academy in Abbottabad. The hunt for Bin Laden had to be covertly organised by the US and all progress kept secret from the Pakistani authorities who were not trusted not to tip off Bin Laden as the hunt closed in on his location.
See - "Pakistan and state-sponsored terrorism
See the BBC's documentary "Secret Pakistan" first broadcast in 2011
Secret Pakistan introduction 2 minutes
Secret Pakistan - Documentary by BBC Part 1 (Double Cross) 1 hour
Secret Pakistan - Documentary by BBC Part 2 (Backlash) 1 hour
Fact. There are dozens of British Pakistanis who are notable in politics. Wikipedia lists more than 60, including 5 current and former members of the Scottish Parliament.
See - "List of British Pakistanis - Politics"
SNP Pakistani politicians tend to self-identify as "Scottish" Pakistanis.
Fact. In 2013, Scottish Government External Affairs Minister and Scottish Pakistani Humza Yousaf visited Pakistan to praise Scotland's Pakistani diaspora and to develop a closer relationship between Scotland and Pakistan.
See - “Building links with Pakistan”
As Scottish soldiers in Afghanistan were still being killed by Pakistani-sponsored terrorists, the Taliban, "a closer relationship" may have emerged between Scottish drug dealers and Pakistani organised crime, trafficking heroin and arms, making a killing in Scotland.
Fact. The problem of drug deaths in Scotland got decidedly worse in the years after Yousaf's official Scottish Government ministerial visit to Pakistan in 2013.
Drug deaths in Scotland rose to a peak in 2020 of triple the death rate of any other country in Europe, after Yousaf's appointment in 2018 as the Scottish Government's Justice Secretary responsible for enforcing drug laws. Coincidence? Aye, right.
See - “Scotland’s drug deaths still worst in Europe”
Fact. January 2025: The brother-in-law of former First Minister Humza Yousaf is to stand trial after he was charged with extortion and the supply of class A drugs.
See -
Fact. In May 2021, a Muslim-led crowd in Kenmure Street, Glasgow surrounded police to blockade a UK Home Office immigration removal van. After an extended stand-off, during which Aamer Anwar arrived to negotiate with police, an agreement allowed the 2 detained men to be escorted to a nearby mosque, with crowds following them, where they were let go.
See - “Kenmure Street protests”
& See "Protest in Kenmure Street, Glasgow | The Firm | BBC Scotland"

Fact. In 2023, after Islamic terrorists had invaded Israel from Gaza killing nearly 1200 people and taking 251 hostages, the Pakistani First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, rewarded the Islamic terrorism by paying a total of £750,000 to Hamas-run Gaza via the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
Hamas can easily divert UNRWA dual-use supplies as materiel for Islamic terrorism.
See - “October 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel”
& “Funds sent to Gaza: FOI release”
Scots were roped into funding Islamic terrorism against our will.

Scots cannot be expected to submit to Muslim-rule, which is neither impartial nor capable of maintaining authority, nor can Muslim-rule be trusted not to interfere with any democratic debate between Scots especially when debating the deadly dangers of Islamic terrorism supported by Islamic countries such as Pakistan.
That is one very good reason why the accused did oppose the election of Humza Yousaf as First Minister of Scotland, why the accused does oppose the appointment of Kaukab Stewart as a Minister of the Scottish Government and why the accused also opposes the appointment of Aisha Anwar as a Sheriff Principal.
The accused would likewise oppose the appointment of any other Muslim to any other ministerial or judicial office in Scotland. The accused also advises tactical voting to defeat the Muslim candidate in any election.
The procurator fiscal depute in adducing the accused's use of the word "Paki" with uncontroversial evidence has not thereby produced prima facie evidence of the accused acting in a racially aggravated manner. Neither arrest nor prosecution is lawful without prima facie evidence of a crime having been committed.
No evidential search warrant disclosed
The defence still awaits disclosure of the evidential search warrant claimed by the prosecution to be in the case papers.
The petition of fiscal-depute Ewan Wilson-McKay, petitioning the Sheriff Court in Edinburgh for a warrant, was disclosed but not, as yet, the warrant itself.
If there was no warrant, the police forced-entry, search and seizure of the accused’s property was unlawful.
Violation of the accused's human right to freedom of expression
The accused's human right to freedom of expression is protected in law - the Human Rights Act 1998.
Therefore the accused expects a court of law to protect him from the procurator fiscal depute's spurious, vexatious and / or malicious prosecution which violates his human right of freedom of expression.
For use of the word "Paki" not to be protected by human rights legislation, specifically the Human Rights Act 1998, SCHEDULE 1, Article 10 "Freedom of expression", the prosecution would require to prove - stretching credibility to bursting point - that the outlawing of the word "Paki" is "necessary in a democratic society".
See -
On the contrary, it is necessary in a democratic society not to outlaw this word or that word to suit the prejudices of snowflake complainers.
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act (1995) - Section 144
Leave of the court to object on cause shown to the competency and relevancy of the fiscal depute’s complaint and proceedings thereof is craved to be granted under the procedure legislated for in Section 144, subsections (4) & (5) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act (1995) as amended, quoted below.
Procurator Fiscal, ABERDEEN
SCS Ref: SCS/2025-003979
Local Ref: ABE/2025-000145
PF Ref: AB25000403-001
Police Ref: PSSECR53W1224
SCRO No: S129419/83N
Date lodged - 10th March 2025
Lodged by the accused representing himself
The procurator fiscal depute's complaint is against certain of the accused's published posts on X (the social media site formerly known as Twitter) using the accused's account "@_Peter_Dow", as identified by uncontroversial evidence of the accused's posts which have included the word "Paki".The charges falsely and maliciously allege that the accused acted in a "racially aggravated manner", while the accused insists that he meant the word "Paki" as short for "Pakistani" without intending any racist connotation.
The accused's complained-about posts on X should be understood in the context of the relevant facts as stated below and as otherwise presented to the court via links to online content - facts about Islamic terrorism and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, facts about the Pakistani diaspora (including members of the Scottish Parliament Humza Yousaf & Kaukab Stewart) and facts about other Muslims.
The accused’s complained-about posts on X are adversarial posts in the nature of the cut and thrust of democratic political debate about how the government should better defend the people from Islamic terrorism, from Muslim violence against women and girls etc..
The accused posts on X are adequately moderated by X site rule administrators requiring no such anti-democratic interference by the police, prosecutors and the courts.
The accused has cause to defend his human rights, his freedom of expression and our democracy in Scotland against the procurator fiscal depute's prosecution.
At the first diet of the case on the 15th January 2025, before Sheriff Wark, the accused objected to the competency and relevancy of the complaint and the proceedings thereon, according to the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, Section 144, subsection (4) before pleading “NOT GUILTY” to the charge.
At an intermediate diet of the case on 25th February 2025, before Sheriff Foulis, the accused applied for leave of the court, on cause shown, to object under the same Section 144, but under subsection (5), this being a “future diet”, not the first diet.
The Sheriff suggested that the accused could withdraw his plea of “NOT GUILTY” which he did. The Sheriff further suggested that the accused could lodge a minute such as this for debate at the next diet which the accused agreed to do.
The accused craves the court on cause shown in this minute to grant leave to object to the competency and relevancy of the complaint and the proceedings thereon, according to the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, Section 144, subsection (5).
The accused further craves the court to dismiss the prosecution’s objectionable complaint and the proceedings thereon, according to justice.
Fact. The accused is a scientist.See the photographic evidence of the accused's science qualifications - graduating from the University of Edinburgh with a degree of Bachelor of Science.
See - The accused's blog post listing links to some of the accused's published science posts.
Fact. One of the accused's science posts is titled -
"Submission to the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry", See -
from which this quote -
"From 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022, I was a scientist living in Aberdeen, Scotland and publishing my science advice on the internet which, if followed, could have saved many lives from the Covid-19 pandemic.
Before, during and since that period, the incompetent institutions of the UK, including the devolved Scottish Government and its institutions, had ignored, did ignore and still do ignore my advice and that of many other scientists.
I have even been taken political prisoner and repeatedly threatened with such for doing my duty to promote my high quality scientific advice as more worthy of consideration than the prejudices of UK officialdom, such as police officers, judges and government ministers."
So 10,000 Scots died unnecessarily because the Scottish Government would rather prosecute a scientist than follow the science.
Fact. The accused is a human rights defender.
The accused featured in a chapter of the Scottish-produced human rights documentary, "The New Ten Commandments" which premiered at the Edinburgh International Film Festival in 2008 and was later broadcast on BBC 2 Scotland.
See -
View that 10-minute chapter as a YouTube video titled "Scottish republican socialist Peter Dow, author and protester"
Fact. The accused is not a racist.
See production - photographic evidence of the accused's socialising with black friends and acquaintances.
Fact. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a country, not a "race". Pakistani is a nationality / national identity, not a "race". Islam is a religion, not a "race".The accused's criticisms of Pakistan, Pakistanis, the Pakistani diaspora, Islam or Muslims do not feature unscientific notions of "race" in any shape or form.
Fact. The etymology of the word "Paki" was as a clipping or shortened form of the word "Pakistani", with no change of meaning. Originally there was no racist connotation to the use of the word.
See -
Fact. Many nationalities have clipped forms - "Brit" is a shorter word for "Briton", "Aussie" is short for "Australian", "Argie" is short for Argentinian, "Jap" for "Japanese" and so on.
Finding or adducing any such use of the shortened form of a nationality is not prima facie evidence of racism nor of acting in a racially aggravated manner and is not a proper basis upon which to found a competent arrest, warrant or prosecution.
Fact. The accused insists that by his use of the word "Paki" in X posts, here and elsewhere, he just means "Pakistani" or "Pakistani diaspora" or "Pakistan" as the case may be. The accused is not a racist so does not use that word nor any other word as a racist slur.
The accused is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty and so the accused’s use of the word "Paki" must be presumed to be without racist intent until proved otherwise.
At trial it would be up to the prosecution to adduce a sufficiency of evidence to prove a racist intention but since there is no prima facie evidence whatsoever of racism on the accused's part, the charge of "racially aggravated" cannot stick to the accused, as far as a Scottish court of law is concerned, though a Pakistani lynch mob may take exception to any innocent use of the word “Paki”.
Fact. In 2005, the BBC aired a documentary called "British, Paki and Proud". "The BBC programme followed the use of the term 'Paki' over the decades. Although it was deemed acceptable in mainstream television coverage in the seventies and early eighties, for many British Asians today it remains a totally unacceptable form of racist abuse."
See -”'Proud of the word "Paki"?'”
The accused is of an older generation which watched television in the 1970s and early 80s. Our generation was not and we are not a "racist" generation.
We did not and we do not use the word "Paki" as a form of racist abuse against British Asians who were welcomed to our shores after arriving legally.
British Asians picking an anti-racist fight with an non-racist such as the accused for correctly using the word “Paki” to mean “Pakistani”, would be barking up the wrong tree.
Stand up to racism, of course, but do so intelligently, not by lashing out at the accused on a misconceived pretext.
Fact. "Snowflake" is a derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions.
See - “Snowflake (slang)”
This complaint has an unwarranted sense of entitlement to misrepresent what the accused means by “Paki”, cites witnesses who are overly emotional and easily offended by the accused’s insignificant posts on X and who are unable to deal democratically with the accused’s opposing opinion.
X DOESN'T BAN "PAKI"Fact. X site rules do not ban the use of the word "Paki", though X offers a facility for any user to "mute" any word or phrase so that posts with that word or phrase are not presented for reading to the user who has so muted the word or phrase.
See -
X also allows any user the ability to mute or similarly "block" all posts from "@_Peter_Dow" or from any other user so that none of the muted or blocked user's posts are presented to the user who has muted or blocked the other user.
See -
Further, X offers a "report" facility for users to report posts to X site administrators which potentially may have violated X site rules and terms of service, for examination and for X to consider appropriate moderation action.
See -
Therefore X offers several good and efficient options for any user who doesn't want to read any more of the accused "@_Peter_Dow" posts or indeed any posts using the word "Paki".
Viewing the X site is entirely voluntary and anyone is free not to visit and read the X site at all.
As the saying goes, if you can't stand the heat, don't go into the kitchen.
Dramatic and malicious complaints to the police about the accused’s posts on X waste the time of the police, the courts and the accused, without any cause to do so.
Fact. Islamic terrorism has killed people in the UK and world-wide.
See "Islamic terrorism” -
Fact. After the Iranian Islamic revolution, in 1983, 10 Bahai women were executed in Shiraz, Iran - hanged after refusing to renounce their non-Muslim faith.
Such is the "glory of Islam" for which Muslims fight.
See - “Executed Women Haunt, Inspire Iranian Baha'is 40 Years Later”
Fact. The Yazidi genocide was perpetrated by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) between 2014 and 2017. It was characterized by massacres, genocidal rape, and forced conversions to Islam.
See - “Yazidi genocide - Violence against Yazidi women and girls”
Fact. In 2016, the Islamic State of Iran and Syria (ISIS) burned 19 caged Yazidi women to death in Mosul for 'refusing to have sex with fighters'. See -
Fact. Islamic terrorists have struck in Scotland, for example the Glasgow airport Islamic terrorist attack in 2007
See - “2007 Glasgow Airport attack”
Fact. Islamic terrorists have killed Scots outside of Scotland, for example the murder of Eilidh MacLeod, a 14-year-old girl from Scotland - one of 22 innocent people killed by an Islamist terrorist suicide bomb attack at the Manchester Arena in 2017.
See - “Manchester Arena Inquiry Bomb tore mother of victim's world apart”
See "Islamic terrorism” -
Fact. After the Iranian Islamic revolution, in 1983, 10 Bahai women were executed in Shiraz, Iran - hanged after refusing to renounce their non-Muslim faith.
Such is the "glory of Islam" for which Muslims fight.
See - “Executed Women Haunt, Inspire Iranian Baha'is 40 Years Later”
Fact. The Yazidi genocide was perpetrated by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) between 2014 and 2017. It was characterized by massacres, genocidal rape, and forced conversions to Islam.
See - “Yazidi genocide - Violence against Yazidi women and girls”
Fact. In 2016, the Islamic State of Iran and Syria (ISIS) burned 19 caged Yazidi women to death in Mosul for 'refusing to have sex with fighters'. See -
Fact. Islamic terrorists have struck in Scotland, for example the Glasgow airport Islamic terrorist attack in 2007
See - “2007 Glasgow Airport attack”
Fact. Islamic terrorists have killed Scots outside of Scotland, for example the murder of Eilidh MacLeod, a 14-year-old girl from Scotland - one of 22 innocent people killed by an Islamist terrorist suicide bomb attack at the Manchester Arena in 2017.
See - “Manchester Arena Inquiry Bomb tore mother of victim's world apart”
Fact. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has twice been suspended from the Commonwealth of Nations - the first time from 18 October 1999 to 22 May 2004 and the second time from 22 November 2007 to 22 May 2008 - both times as Pakistan suffered under the Musharraf dictatorship.Suspension from the Commonwealth is a derogation from full membership. Suspending Pakistan was a derogating act but the Commonwealth was not acting in a "racially aggravated manner", nor could any prosecutor for Pakistan have competently charged the Commonwealth with such an erroneous charge.
See - “Suspension from the Commonwealth of Nation”
Fact. In October 2024, there was a call from Human Rights Non-Governmental Organisations to Suspend Pakistan from the Commonwealth Over Blasphemy Laws & Human Rights Violations.
See - “Call to Suspend Pakistan from the Commonwealth Over Blasphemy Laws & Human Rights Violations”
& “Open Letter to the Commonwealth Secretariat”
Suspension is a derogating act but these human rights NGOs do not call for action "in a racially motivated manner" as prosecutors for Pakistan could maliciously allege in a Pakistani court or even perhaps in a Scottish court misgoverned by or for the Pakistani diaspora, where any prosecutorial nonsense such as this can be mouthed at the tax-payers’ expense.
What a nightmare it would be for human rights NGOs to be prosecuted in Scotland falsely charged for seeking to suspend Pakistan from the Commonwealth in an allegedly "racially aggravated manner".
FORMER PAKI PM BHUTTO ASSASSINATEDFact. In 2007, after a political rally in Rawalpindi, former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated. The Salafi jihadist militant group al-Qaeda claimed responsibility, although the involvement of the Pakistani Taliban and rogue elements of the intelligence services were also widely suspected.
See - “Benazir Bhutto - Assassination”
Musharraf may have had a hand in Bhutto's assassination too.
Fact. In October 2012, the Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai, a 15-year old girl targeted for her prize-winning female education rights activism in the Swat Valley, Pakistan. She survived with brain damage after treatment in England where she stayed to continue her education at Oxford University.
See - “Malala Yousafzai - Murder attempt”
& “Malala Yousafzai - Free Pakistan”
Pakistan's brightest and best like Benazir Bhutto and Malala Yousafzai are targeted by Islamic terrorists for the glory of Islam, which is a constitutional obligation for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan too.
As far as the accused is concerned, Malala is very welcome to Britain as are other Pakistani and Afghani refugees who are fleeing from Taliban terror and violence.
As far as the accused is concerned, Malala is very welcome to Britain as are other Pakistani and Afghani refugees who are fleeing from Taliban terror and violence.
Refugees are welcome here but the accused does not welcome random Muslim migrants who bring Islamic terror and violence with them to our country.
Fact. The UK is home to the largest Pakistani community in Europe, with the population of British Pakistanis exceeding 1.6 million based on the 2021 Census, including 72 thousand in Scotland, outnumbering Gaelic speakers in Scotland.
See - "British Pakistanis"
British Pakistanis are not, by and large, refugees from the Islamic terrorism of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan but are mostly a Muslim migrant community from which Islamic terrorist organisations world-wide can recruit new terrorists.
Fact: The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office has long advised Britons against travel to Pakistan, except in limited circumstances such as the Pakistani diaspora visiting family or avoiding particularly dangerous areas etc.
See - “Pakistan travel advice” -
Nowhere and no-one in the Islamic hellhole of Pakistan is truly safe from terror.
Fact. Islam is a homophobic religion and Pakistan is a homophobic country.
See - “LGBTQ People and Islam”
& “LGBTQ rights in Pakistan”
Fact: In March 2012, Paul McBride QC travelled to Pakistan accompanied by Aamer Anwar where Mr McBride died suddenly with claims from the Pakistani authorities that his death was "not suspicious" / "of natural causes", but without the scrutiny of an independent forensic science autopsy after the sudden death of a homosexual, non-Muslim, British man in a homophobic Islamic country after meeting with Pakistani army officials who were secretly at war with the UK.
See - “Paul McBride death - QC refused medical aid days before death”
Since Pakistanis try to kill Pakistan’s own brightest and best then we can assume that they would have no compunction against killing Scotland’s brightest and best either.
Fact. Aamer Anwar appeared grief-stricken at Paul McBride's Christian funeral.
Was Mr Anwar virtue-signalling that the Pakistani diaspora was not to blame for misleading a gay, non-Pakistani, non-Muslim British citizen into a trap laid for him by bigoted, belligerent Pakistanis? If so, Mr Anwar’s performance deserves a BAFTA.
Fact. The UK is home to the largest Pakistani community in Europe, with the population of British Pakistanis exceeding 1.6 million based on the 2021 Census, including 72 thousand in Scotland, outnumbering Gaelic speakers in Scotland.
See - "British Pakistanis"
British Pakistanis are not, by and large, refugees from the Islamic terrorism of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan but are mostly a Muslim migrant community from which Islamic terrorist organisations world-wide can recruit new terrorists.
Fact: The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office has long advised Britons against travel to Pakistan, except in limited circumstances such as the Pakistani diaspora visiting family or avoiding particularly dangerous areas etc.
See - “Pakistan travel advice” -
Nowhere and no-one in the Islamic hellhole of Pakistan is truly safe from terror.
Fact. Islam is a homophobic religion and Pakistan is a homophobic country.
See - “LGBTQ People and Islam”
& “LGBTQ rights in Pakistan”
Fact: In March 2012, Paul McBride QC travelled to Pakistan accompanied by Aamer Anwar where Mr McBride died suddenly with claims from the Pakistani authorities that his death was "not suspicious" / "of natural causes", but without the scrutiny of an independent forensic science autopsy after the sudden death of a homosexual, non-Muslim, British man in a homophobic Islamic country after meeting with Pakistani army officials who were secretly at war with the UK.
See - “Paul McBride death - QC refused medical aid days before death”
Since Pakistanis try to kill Pakistan’s own brightest and best then we can assume that they would have no compunction against killing Scotland’s brightest and best either.
Fact. Aamer Anwar appeared grief-stricken at Paul McBride's Christian funeral.
Was Mr Anwar virtue-signalling that the Pakistani diaspora was not to blame for misleading a gay, non-Pakistani, non-Muslim British citizen into a trap laid for him by bigoted, belligerent Pakistanis? If so, Mr Anwar’s performance deserves a BAFTA.
See - “Funeral of Paul McBride QC”
PAKIS PRESSURED TO PERMIT WAR ON TERRORFact. Following an Islamic terrorist attack on the United States of America in 2001, the UK military joined American allies in a coalition to wage a war on terror, hunting down the Islamic terrorist organisation responsible who were based in Afghanistan. The preferred land supply route to Afghanistan was via Pakistan which was permitted after the US pressured Pakistan not to dare to obstruct US military operations.
See "War in Afghanistan (2001 - 2021)”
Fact. Hundreds of British soldiers were killed and many more were injured by the Islamic terrorist Taliban attacks in Afghanistan.
See - “British Forces casualties in Afghanistan since 2001”
Western intelligence discovered that Pakistan was secretly aiding the Taliban to kill our soldiers while deceptively seeming to cooperate with the coalition forces.
The Afghan war is over. Our soldiers fought and died for a most worthy cause for which we are grateful. We will remember them.
We should also remember the treachery of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and beware the lies of Pakistan’s diplomats.
Fact. Pakistan has received a lot of undeserved foreign aid. The United Kingdom pledged £665 million to Pakistan from 2009 to 2013. Between 2014 and 2019, Pakistan was the largest recipient of direct UK foreign development aid.
See - “Foreign aid to Pakistan - United Kingdom”
While Pakistan accepted the UK’s aid, Pakistan supported the Taliban to kill British soldiers and Pakistan invested in its own nuclear weapons.
See - “Pakistan and weapons of mass destruction”
Other poorer countries lost out on foreign aid because so much foreign aid was being wasted on such an ungrateful, greedy and treacherous country as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
Fact. For decades, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has secretly sponsored Islamic terrorist organisations including the Taliban. Pakistan's government denies its responsibility for Taliban attacks on coalition forces in Afghanistan but top Western intelligence officers and diplomats discount such Pakistani denials, describing Pakistan as playing a double game - having superficially supported coalition forces in Afghanistan while actually opposing the coalition via secret support for the Taliban.
In 2011, the terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden was hunted down by the CIA and US special forces and killed in Pakistan where he was found in a safe house close to the Pakistani military academy in Abbottabad. The hunt for Bin Laden had to be covertly organised by the US and all progress kept secret from the Pakistani authorities who were not trusted not to tip off Bin Laden as the hunt closed in on his location.
See - "Pakistan and state-sponsored terrorism
See the BBC's documentary "Secret Pakistan" first broadcast in 2011
Secret Pakistan introduction 2 minutes
Secret Pakistan - Documentary by BBC Part 1 (Double Cross) 1 hour
Secret Pakistan - Documentary by BBC Part 2 (Backlash) 1 hour
PAKI POLITICIANSFact. There are dozens of British Pakistanis who are notable in politics. Wikipedia lists more than 60, including 5 current and former members of the Scottish Parliament.
See - "List of British Pakistanis - Politics"
SNP Pakistani politicians tend to self-identify as "Scottish" Pakistanis.
Fact. In 2013, Scottish Government External Affairs Minister and Scottish Pakistani Humza Yousaf visited Pakistan to praise Scotland's Pakistani diaspora and to develop a closer relationship between Scotland and Pakistan.
See - “Building links with Pakistan”
As Scottish soldiers in Afghanistan were still being killed by Pakistani-sponsored terrorists, the Taliban, "a closer relationship" may have emerged between Scottish drug dealers and Pakistani organised crime, trafficking heroin and arms, making a killing in Scotland.
Fact. The problem of drug deaths in Scotland got decidedly worse in the years after Yousaf's official Scottish Government ministerial visit to Pakistan in 2013.
Drug deaths in Scotland rose to a peak in 2020 of triple the death rate of any other country in Europe, after Yousaf's appointment in 2018 as the Scottish Government's Justice Secretary responsible for enforcing drug laws. Coincidence? Aye, right.
See - “Scotland’s drug deaths still worst in Europe”
Fact. January 2025: The brother-in-law of former First Minister Humza Yousaf is to stand trial after he was charged with extortion and the supply of class A drugs.
See -
Fact. In May 2021, a Muslim-led crowd in Kenmure Street, Glasgow surrounded police to blockade a UK Home Office immigration removal van. After an extended stand-off, during which Aamer Anwar arrived to negotiate with police, an agreement allowed the 2 detained men to be escorted to a nearby mosque, with crowds following them, where they were let go.
See - “Kenmure Street protests”
& See "Protest in Kenmure Street, Glasgow | The Firm | BBC Scotland"
This potentially dangerous standoff was resolved peacefully if not strictly lawfully nor by the book but what is next to be decided by Muslim-mob-rule in Glasgow?
The accused shoulders a political duty to serve democratically by social media posts and otherwise with a view to helping to ensure that neither Glasgow, nor elsewhere in this country, ever suffers a Muslim mob to lynch someone, Pakistani-style, for "blasphemy", "adultery" or any other non-crime act which may offend a Muslim mob’s sensibilities.
Fact. Kaukab Stewart is a Pakistani who was born in Pakistan according to the Scottish Government's Equalities Minister webpage.
See - “Minister for equalities”
Kaukab Stewart is free to post on X without fear of arrest and prosecution for freely expressing herself, as are other ministers of the Scottish Government but the accused is apparently not afforded an equal human right of freedom of expression by the police and the prosecutors who are misgoverned by the Scottish Government. Some Scots are "more equal" than others it seems.
Fact. In August 2021, Kaukab Stewart lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament congratulating Pakistan on its independence. See -
The Pakistani diaspora misleads us about the Islamic Republic's terrorism & dependency on foreign aid, to hide the terrible truth that typically when Muslims left Pakistan it was not to get away from Islam - but so that their Muslim descendants could ruin other countries for the glory of Islam, just as Islam ruined Pakistan.
This motion by Kaukab Stewart congratulating Pakistan is a pack of Pakistani lies, painting a ridiculously rosy picture of a terribly misgoverned country whose Islamic imperialism is a menace to the free world.

The accused finds it naive and perverse for the Scottish Government to appoint a Scottish Pakistani, Kaukab Stewart, as Equalities Minister expecting her successfully to lead the defence of women and girls against horrific Muslim violence.
As a defender of women's human rights, the accused opposes the appointment of Kaukab Stewart as Equalities minister because she is so fulsome in her praise of Pakistan regardless of Pakistan's role in sponsoring the Taliban's violence against women and girls.
Stewart disgracefully ignores Pakistan's failure to defend Pakistani & Afghani women and girls from Muslim violence and so Scots should expect her to excuse her own failure to defend women and girls from Muslim violence too.
The accused will not give any Pakistani, least of all a Scottish Pakistani Government minister, a free pass for failing to defend women and girls from Islamic terrorism, Sharia law or Muslim lynch mobs.
Stewart should resign or be sacked as a Scottish government minister, in the accused's humble political opinion.
Fact. “I am thankful to Allah for my success" said Pakistani-born Aisha Anwar in 2023 when interviewed after her first appointment as Sheriff Principal in 2020.
See - “Aisha Anwar: Scotland’s first female Sheriff Principal(Judge) of Pakistani origin”
So that's now Scots in 1/6th of Scotland's Sheriffdoms subject to the misfortune of Pakistani / Muslim misrule, on appeal. 1/6th was quite the coup for Pakistan considering that Pakistanis only number about 1/40th of Scotland's population.
Fact. In March 2023 Aisha Anwar was appointed Sheriff Principal of Glasgow and Strathkelvin from her previous post of Sheriff Principal of South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway.
See - “Sheriff Principal Anwar - Law Society of Scotland”
Weegies beware.
Fact. In March 2023, Humza Yousaf stood for election as leader of the SNP and he won. SNP MSPs elected Yousaf to be sworn in as First Minister of Scotland by the Supreme Court of Scotland where Yousaf was accompanied by Aamer Anwar.
The accused published a criticism of Mr Yousaf's unsuitability for the political leadership of Scotland.
See - the accused blog post "SNP Leadership Election"..
The accused emailed a PDF of this blog post to police and a print-out of the same was included in the prosecutions' case papers, when disclosed to the accused.
Fact. In 2023, the then First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, was interviewed by Pakistani journalists after meeting with the Pakistani Prime Minister in London. Mr Yousaf was recorded thanking Pakistanis who had congratulated him on his election as First Minister, stating that Pakistan was his fatherland and his motherland and stating that he saw himself as "... Pakistani too".
See the accused's video "It's not "racist" to call Humza Yousaf a "Paki"-
Fact. Kaukab Stewart is a Pakistani who was born in Pakistan according to the Scottish Government's Equalities Minister webpage.
See - “Minister for equalities”
Kaukab Stewart is free to post on X without fear of arrest and prosecution for freely expressing herself, as are other ministers of the Scottish Government but the accused is apparently not afforded an equal human right of freedom of expression by the police and the prosecutors who are misgoverned by the Scottish Government. Some Scots are "more equal" than others it seems.
Fact. In August 2021, Kaukab Stewart lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament congratulating Pakistan on its independence. See -
The Pakistani diaspora misleads us about the Islamic Republic's terrorism & dependency on foreign aid, to hide the terrible truth that typically when Muslims left Pakistan it was not to get away from Islam - but so that their Muslim descendants could ruin other countries for the glory of Islam, just as Islam ruined Pakistan.
This motion by Kaukab Stewart congratulating Pakistan is a pack of Pakistani lies, painting a ridiculously rosy picture of a terribly misgoverned country whose Islamic imperialism is a menace to the free world.
The accused finds it naive and perverse for the Scottish Government to appoint a Scottish Pakistani, Kaukab Stewart, as Equalities Minister expecting her successfully to lead the defence of women and girls against horrific Muslim violence.
As a defender of women's human rights, the accused opposes the appointment of Kaukab Stewart as Equalities minister because she is so fulsome in her praise of Pakistan regardless of Pakistan's role in sponsoring the Taliban's violence against women and girls.
Stewart disgracefully ignores Pakistan's failure to defend Pakistani & Afghani women and girls from Muslim violence and so Scots should expect her to excuse her own failure to defend women and girls from Muslim violence too.
The accused will not give any Pakistani, least of all a Scottish Pakistani Government minister, a free pass for failing to defend women and girls from Islamic terrorism, Sharia law or Muslim lynch mobs.
Stewart should resign or be sacked as a Scottish government minister, in the accused's humble political opinion.
Fact. “I am thankful to Allah for my success" said Pakistani-born Aisha Anwar in 2023 when interviewed after her first appointment as Sheriff Principal in 2020.
See - “Aisha Anwar: Scotland’s first female Sheriff Principal(Judge) of Pakistani origin”
So that's now Scots in 1/6th of Scotland's Sheriffdoms subject to the misfortune of Pakistani / Muslim misrule, on appeal. 1/6th was quite the coup for Pakistan considering that Pakistanis only number about 1/40th of Scotland's population.
Fact. In March 2023 Aisha Anwar was appointed Sheriff Principal of Glasgow and Strathkelvin from her previous post of Sheriff Principal of South Strathclyde, Dumfries and Galloway.
See - “Sheriff Principal Anwar - Law Society of Scotland”
Weegies beware.
Fact. In March 2023, Humza Yousaf stood for election as leader of the SNP and he won. SNP MSPs elected Yousaf to be sworn in as First Minister of Scotland by the Supreme Court of Scotland where Yousaf was accompanied by Aamer Anwar.
The accused published a criticism of Mr Yousaf's unsuitability for the political leadership of Scotland.
See - the accused blog post "SNP Leadership Election"..
The accused emailed a PDF of this blog post to police and a print-out of the same was included in the prosecutions' case papers, when disclosed to the accused.
Fact. In 2023, the then First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, was interviewed by Pakistani journalists after meeting with the Pakistani Prime Minister in London. Mr Yousaf was recorded thanking Pakistanis who had congratulated him on his election as First Minister, stating that Pakistan was his fatherland and his motherland and stating that he saw himself as "... Pakistani too".
See the accused's video "It's not "racist" to call Humza Yousaf a "Paki"-
Fact. In 2023, after Islamic terrorists had invaded Israel from Gaza killing nearly 1200 people and taking 251 hostages, the Pakistani First Minister of Scotland, Humza Yousaf, rewarded the Islamic terrorism by paying a total of £750,000 to Hamas-run Gaza via the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).
Hamas can easily divert UNRWA dual-use supplies as materiel for Islamic terrorism.
See - “October 7 Hamas-led attack on Israel”
& “Funds sent to Gaza: FOI release”
Scots were roped into funding Islamic terrorism against our will.
Fact. In March 2023, the accused penned this declaration, inspired by the Declaration of Arbroath, 1320.DECLARATION OF SCOTLAND
For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive,
never will we on any conditions
be brought under Muslim rule.
It is in truth not for glory, nor riches nor honours
that we are fighting,
but for freedom – for that alone,
which no honest man gives up but with life itself
28th March 2023
Scots cannot be expected to submit to Muslim-rule, which is neither impartial nor capable of maintaining authority, nor can Muslim-rule be trusted not to interfere with any democratic debate between Scots especially when debating the deadly dangers of Islamic terrorism supported by Islamic countries such as Pakistan.
That is one very good reason why the accused did oppose the election of Humza Yousaf as First Minister of Scotland, why the accused does oppose the appointment of Kaukab Stewart as a Minister of the Scottish Government and why the accused also opposes the appointment of Aisha Anwar as a Sheriff Principal.
The accused would likewise oppose the appointment of any other Muslim to any other ministerial or judicial office in Scotland. The accused also advises tactical voting to defeat the Muslim candidate in any election.
No prima facie evidence of any crimeThe procurator fiscal depute in adducing the accused's use of the word "Paki" with uncontroversial evidence has not thereby produced prima facie evidence of the accused acting in a racially aggravated manner. Neither arrest nor prosecution is lawful without prima facie evidence of a crime having been committed.
No evidential search warrant disclosed
The defence still awaits disclosure of the evidential search warrant claimed by the prosecution to be in the case papers.
The petition of fiscal-depute Ewan Wilson-McKay, petitioning the Sheriff Court in Edinburgh for a warrant, was disclosed but not, as yet, the warrant itself.
If there was no warrant, the police forced-entry, search and seizure of the accused’s property was unlawful.
Violation of the accused's human right to freedom of expression
The accused's human right to freedom of expression is protected in law - the Human Rights Act 1998.
Therefore the accused expects a court of law to protect him from the procurator fiscal depute's spurious, vexatious and / or malicious prosecution which violates his human right of freedom of expression.
For use of the word "Paki" not to be protected by human rights legislation, specifically the Human Rights Act 1998, SCHEDULE 1, Article 10 "Freedom of expression", the prosecution would require to prove - stretching credibility to bursting point - that the outlawing of the word "Paki" is "necessary in a democratic society".
See -
On the contrary, it is necessary in a democratic society not to outlaw this word or that word to suit the prejudices of snowflake complainers.
Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act (1995) - Section 144
Leave of the court to object on cause shown to the competency and relevancy of the fiscal depute’s complaint and proceedings thereof is craved to be granted under the procedure legislated for in Section 144, subsections (4) & (5) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act (1995) as amended, quoted below.
“(4) Any objection to the competency or relevancy of a summary complaint or the proceedings thereon, or any denial that the accused is the person charged by the police with the offence shall be stated before the accused pleads to the charge or any plea is tendered on his behalf.
(5) No objection or denial such as is mentioned in subsection (4) above shall be allowed to be stated or issued at any future diet in the case except with the leave of the court, which may be granted only on cause shown.”