On the 18th December 2024, police smashed my Aberdeen flat door in and took me as a political prisoner for the pleasure and convenience of Islamo-fascist politicians Humza Yousaf MSP, former First Minister of Scotland and Kaukab Stewart MSP, Scottish Government minister.
The police smash-and-grab raid also seized my computer equipment with my irreplaceable science data on it, obstructing my voluntary science duties in the service of humanity, which police-state obstruction of science is a crime against humanity committed by police, prosecutors and their Scottish Government masters.
This outrage was today (16th January 2025) whitewashed by a misleading P&J report
which neglects to report anything of substance from what I said from the dock of Aberdeen Sheriff Court on 15th January 2025 while representing myself - disappointing after I had gone to the bother of providing the P&J court reporter, David McPhee, with a transcript of what I had said in court as follows.
Firstly, under section 144 "Procedure at First Diet" Subsection (4), I object to the competency and relevancy of any such summary complaint and proceedings thereon.
It is not competent for any court in this country to interfere with the cut and thrust of peaceful, lawful and orderly political debate, as happens routinely on social media sites such as X (formerly Twitter) or in any other public forum.
It is a common occurrence for anyone reading X to dislike a tweet or a series of tweets by an author so X offers its users options such as Mute & Block (in future to hide from your sight all the tweets of selected authors) and Report, asking X to consider whether or not any author of any tweet has broken X's rules and take appropriate action if it has.
No-one reading X needs intervention by the police or the courts to avoid reading further tweets from an author whose views they don't like. Simply mute, block and / or report. Don't waste everyone's time by complaining to the police.
Freely expressing one's political opinions and viewpoints is a legal human right - NOT "a crime".
From the Human Rights Act 1998. Schedule 1. The Convention Rights and Freedoms.
Article 10. Freedom of expression
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
Freedom of expression is a legal right so arresting or prosecuting particular complained-about expressions is not relevant to the normal function of the courts in any country where legal human rights are respected and upheld.
In fascist dictatorships such as Russia, North Korea and Pakistan brave citizens often get arrested and prosecuted or summarily shot by a secret agent of the state for peacefully saying what they think. But this is Scotland. This is Britain. This is NOT Pakistan.
We Scots and we Britons hold ourselves to a higher democratic standard. We won't willingly be ruled by a fascist dictatorship for the convenience of selfish politicians - to spare their political blushes, to maximise their political votes or to promote their political careers.
Rather we should resolve to oppose the malicious complaint of any fascist politician such as Humza Yousaf and Kaukab Stewart who dares to subvert the police and the courts just in order to try to silence a democratic critic by any means necessary.
What this prosecution is asking the court to do is to illegally crush my democratic freedom of expression which heavy-handed fascist action should be viewed as despicable in any democratic country such as ours.
This is my objection taken to the competency and relevancy of this complaint and these proceedings and so under section 157 "Record of proceedings" subsection (2) I desire my objection to be entered in the record of the proceedings.
Secondly, I apply to be admitted to bail under section 22A "Consideration of bail on first appearance" and section "23B Entitlement to bail and the court's function".
As an accused person, I am entitled to bail because there is no good reason for refusing me bail. I undertake to attend hearings and diets of the case. I shall not interfere with witnesses nor evidence and I shall not commit any crime while on bail. There is no good reason to add further spurious bail conditions to my bail which unjustly hinder my duties in science and politics. Therefore the Court merely has to ordain me to appear and I shall do so.
Thirdly, I shall when called upon to plead, plead NOT GUILTY to any charges following the malicious complaints about my dutiful political tweets, the context of which I explain in great detail in my earlier email and in particular in the attached PDF and associated online content accessible via my Wordpress blog.
Fourthly, I must repeat my previous requests for the return to me of my computer equipment, seized by the police, which I need in my possession to continue to do the full range of my science duties in the service of humanity but which the police and prosecution have never needed because I have always freely admitted tweeting the complained-about tweets.
There should be no dispute between prosecution and defence about the bare facts of this complaint and case. There is nothing left unproven which my computer equipment is needed by the prosecution to prove. The police and the prosecution don't need my property - have never needed my property - so return my property now please.
I implore the court - DO NOT commit a crime against humanity by obstructing the progress of science. Return my equipment to me forthwith!
As a life-long anti-racist, it is very unjust for me to be accused of "racially aggravated/ offensive" anything.😠Of course I am not a "racist". Humza Yousaf describes himself as "Pakistani". Kaukab Stewart was born in Pakistan. It's not "racist" to describe either of them as "Pakistani" or to use the shorter word "Paki" which just means Pakistani in the same way that "Brit" is a shorter word for "Briton", "Aussie" is short for "Australian", "Jap" for "Japanese" and so on.
P&J: Aberdeen man in court accused of racist online posts about Humza Yousaf