Saturday, 22 February 2025

An urgent matter for fiscal depute Ewan Wilson-McKay

Disclosed - Mr Ewan Wilson-McKay was the procurator fiscal-depute who petitioned Edinburgh Sheriff Court on 16th December 2024 for a warrant to Police Scotland to smash their way in to my Aberdeen home and grab my stuff.

I was given sight of Wilson-McKay's petition at a disclosure access meeting at Aberdeen Procurator Fiscal's Office, AB1 Crimon Place on Thursday, 20th February 2025 where I was allowed for an hour and a half to view the case papers and take notes but not allowed to take photographs to save time.

Note-taking was so slow that I wasn't allowed enough time to view all the papers so I have requested another disclosure access appointment, yet to be offered to me. 

I emailed Wilson-McKay yesterday when an autoresponder told me that he is on leave until 4th March 2025. It is an urgent matter so I have forwarded my email on to his colleagues at the Procurator Fiscal's Office in Edinburgh.


Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025. Subject: PF Ref: AB25000403 Alastair Peter Dow. Return of property seized by police.

Dear Mr Wilson-McKay,

I am the accused Alastair Peter Dow representing myself in this case.
Your name was disclosed to me yesterday at Aberdeen Procurator Fiscal's Office when I was finally allowed to view case papers including your petition to the Sheriff Court in Edinburgh to grant a warrant to the police to seize my irreplaceable science research data held uniquely on my Dell Computer, described in the below-appended email.

I feel sure that it was not your intention to commit a crime against humanity by obstructing the progress of science for so long as my computer with its data is not returned to me - so I am leaving no stone unturned and writing to you to ask you to intervene in this case once more to explain to those-whom-it-may-concern that, given that I have consistently and on the record admitted tweeting the complained-about tweets on my X account "@_Peter_Dow", there is no extant rhyme nor reason for the police and prosecutors to hang onto my computer any longer and so my computer and indeed all of my property seized by police as per your petition for warrant should be returned to me forthwith.

You may care to examine the below email trail to see how I have strived in vain to explain matters to the Aberdeen prosecutors and Police Scotland, only to be met with an impenetrable wall of stalling and buck-passing.

I don't know who is the precise decision-maker at this stage who would be authorised to release my property back to me but I would be grateful if you could investigate this and write to the relevant decision-maker and ask him or her to release my property back to me because there is already in the case papers a veritable mountain of evidence to prove that I tweeted the complained-about tweets.

There would seem to be an opportunity for you now to right what once went wrong. Please take this opportunity now. Seize the day.

Yours sincerely,"
Return my computer urgently

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

David Fernandez doesn't expect the Spanish Inquisition

 Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Certainly not David Fernández (born 1976), a Spanish football player who spent most of his career in Scotland playing for the football clubs Airdrie, Livingston, Celtic, Dundee United and Kilmarnock, a notable resident of Strathaven, South Lanarkshire.

Fernandez expects only to be appearing in Aberdeen Sheriff Court to bear false witness against me (Peter Dow) and my human right to freedom of expression, to bear false witness against our democratic rights and freedoms in Scotland, in Spain and in every other country under threat from Muslim terrorism and to bear false witness against our Scottish and Spanish common European heritage - Christian civilisation itself.

"Politicians have a right to speak and mix with crowds without the risk of violence, threats or intimidation." - wrote David Fernandez for the Scotsman published in July 2024 - just a few months after Fernandez had maliciously complained to the police about my political tweets, which complaint incited the police to the violence of smashing my Aberdeen flat door in to take me political prisoner for the purpose of threatening my freedom of speech with a malicious prosecution which intimidates me from doing my political service for the people as is my duty and my right.

It seems that David Fernandez is quite the hypocrite - a shameless liar whose lies in bearing false witness against me will be presented by the credulous prosecutors of Aberdeen Sheriff Court I expect.

Fernandez writing for the Scotsman about claiming to support political rights to speak is now shown up to be a liar and a fascist-wolf in liberal-sheep's clothing, a man who is apparently well up for police state violence, threats and intimidation when it suits his prejudices.

David is a retired football player but soon he will be appearing at a fixture in an Aberdeen court room where he will be playing in the witness box for the Paki-SNP, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and for every Muslim terrorist group which could benefit from anyone bearing false witness against me.

"KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Thousands of people watched as a woman, cowering beneath a pale blue all-enveloping burqa, was shot and killed today in the first public execution of a woman in Kabul since the Taliban religious army took control three years ago.

The woman, identified only as Zarmeena, a mother of seven children, was found guilty of beating her husband to death with a steel hammer as he slept. The reason for the killing two years ago was a family dispute," according to a Taliban soldier, who didn't give his name.

Zarmeena was taken from the back of a pickup truck that drove into the sports stadium."

The pitch of that Afghan sports stadium having been marked with white lines for football games, by the looks of the photograph of the execution. The woman is executed just inside the penalty box - but the Taliban's Sharia courts will not penalise the gunman for his cruel act of execution.

The Taliban who execute women on the pitch of an Afghan football stadium would cheer David Fernandez into the witness box against me - as will Scotland's Muslims including the wanna-be tartan-Taliban who dream of executing Scottish women at the Excelsior, Almondvale, Parkhead, Tannadice & Rugby Park stadiums - Muslim bullets in the heads of innocent Scottish women to the roar of the Muslim lynch-mob crowd, one day, Muslims in Scotland pray to Allah.

David Fernandez's kind of treachery to our European democratic values, if followed by football fans, will maim the beautiful game in Europe, subjecting Scots, Spaniards and other Europeans to the ugly spectacle in our home town stadiums of Islam, red in tooth and claw - stonings, hangings, cuttings of throats, beheadings, burnings alive - all for the glory of Islam and for the entertainment of "good Muslims" and regular Mosque attenders.

1983 executions of 10 Bahai women in Shiraz, Iran, hanged after refusing to renounce their non-Muslim faith. Such is the "glory of Islam" for which Muslims fight.

If David Fernandez knows his Spanish history, he would not dare to bear false witness against me in court. He would instead get tweeting on X to educate Scots about how Spain finally rid themselves of the Muslim terror by the Expulsion of the Moriscos - between 1492 and 1610 alone, about three million Muslims left or were expelled from Spain. By the end of the 18th century, indigenous Islam and Morisco identity were considered to have been extinguished in Spain.

Spanish history has shown Europeans how to defend Christian civilisation against the cruelty of the Muslim hordes who now threaten Europe's blessed heritage by the grace of God and the eternal love and compassion of our Lord Jesus Christ.

David Fernandez will be returning to his homeland of Spain soon I presume? The Inquisition may want to ask David a few questions, like these questions for example:

Modern Initiatives

"In reaction to the policy of Spain to facilitate access to Spanish citizenship by descendants of the Jews who were expelled from Spain, there has been demand from Muslims to apply a similar policy to the descendants of the Moriscos. In 2006 this demand received support from the parliament of Andalusia but has not gained broader support."

Would David Fernandez support this modern initiative to open the flood-gates to tens of millions of Muslims to come into Spain and make Spain once more a land whose people may be subjected to Muslim rule?

What does David say to the broad majority of reasonable Spaniards who oppose any such modern initiative?

Would David call Spaniards "racist" for opposing mass Muslim immigration into Spain?

If David does not dare to lie and bear false witness against most Spaniards then how dare he bear false witness against me, Peter Dow, in Scotland?

Peter Dow is not a "racist"

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Peter Dow is not a "racist" - THE FACTS

The Scottish Government's unprofessional and unintelligent fiscal depute, who is prosecuting false charges against me, hasn't answered my defence emails in a timely or satisfactory manner. So I am publishing my emails to suggest that there is no justification for this malicious prosecution against a life-long anti-racist like me.


Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2025 at 16:39. Subject: Fwd: PF Ref: AB25000403 Alastair Peter Dow. Agreed Evidence

Pursuant to sections 256, 257 & 258 "Agreed Evidence" of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 as amended, I am the accused representing myself and writing to the prosecution to seek to establish what may or may not be agreed evidence between the prosecution and defence or what is not agreed and requires further evidence to prove.

Here are the facts which the defence intends to present as evidence though it is for the prosecution to prove their case and the presumption of innocence is mine as the accused by right.


1. The etymology of the word "Paki" was a clipping or shortening of the word "Pakistani" without changing the meaning. Originally, the word "Paki" just meant "Pakistani" with no racist connotation.

2. Scots today may use the word "Paki" intending to mean "Pakistani" (with no racist connotation), in the original sense of the word "Paki" and may do so lawfully in Scotland.

3. Scots may refer to any Pakistani as a "Paki" and may do so lawfully in Scotland.

4. Humza Yousaf is a Pakistani and has been recorded on video (attached to this email as the file "Yousaf says he's a Pakistani.mp4" and may be viewed on YouTube at this link ) referring to seeing himself as "... Pakistani too".

5. Scots may note that Humza Yousaf is a Pakistani and may refer to him as a "Paki" meaning "Pakistani" lawfully in Scotland.

6. Kaukab Stewart is a Pakistani who was born in Pakistan according to the Scottish Government's Equalities Minister webpage (see attached file "Kaukab Stewart Minister for Equalities -") and in 2021 Mrs Stewart lodged a motion in the Scottish Parliament congratulating Pakistan on its independence (see attached file "Kaukab Stewart MSP congratulates Pakistan 2021.pdf"

7. Scots may note that Kaukab Stewart is a Pakistani and may refer to her as a "Paki" meaning "Pakistani" lawfully in Scotland.

8. The accused Alastair Peter Dow is the owner of the X account "@_Peter_Dow" and accepts full responsibility for posting or tweeting that X account's complained-about tweets which the prosecution complains about in the prosecution's summary complaint against the accused.

The defence invites the prosecution to agree with the defence a memorandum of understanding to be lodged as a minute with the court with some or all the above listed facts as agreed evidence for the purpose of the proceedings.


Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2025 at 10:50. Subject: PF Ref: AB25000403 Alastair Peter Dow. Offer me appointment slots for disclosure access please

In your email of 6th February 2025, an Aberdeen PF fiscal officer wrote

"Please also contact our office to arrange an appointment where you can view witness statements by access."

I did contact the same by reply email, copied below, asking what appointment slots for disclosure access are offered to me?

As yet I have received no reply and no offer of any appointment slots for disclosure access.

I am trying to make contact as requested but as usual, getting a timely response from the arrogant and incompetent Aberdeen PF fiscal's office is like getting blood from a stone.

Answer me if you would be so kind!

Date: Fri, 7 Feb 2025 at 15:27

What appointment slots for disclosure access are you offering next week? Monday?


Date: 06 Feb 2025 17:09. Subject: Re: PF Ref: AB25000403 Alastair Peter Dow. Return of property seized by police.

Firstly, My "DELL COMPUTER" - Dell Optiplex Mini Tower small form factor desktop personal computer - is NOT a "mobile device".
Product Dimensions ‎9.27 x 29.21 x 29.01 cm;
Weight - 5.14 kg


This Dell computer has a 128 GigaBytes Solid State Drive hard disc which has my science research work in-progress at the time of the police smash-and-grab raid. I cannot be more specific than that as regards which data files have unique science data information and which are copied elsewhere. Just give me the whole unit back now please.

I don't understand the rationale for your statement "We still await further documentation from the Police before we can finally determine whether we require to have your mobile devices analysed."

The police tell me they are waiting on the PF to order the release of my property back to me and you tell me that the PF are waiting on the police. That sounds like a very long wait which will never be resolved. Please take responsibility to rectify the wrong that this pair of corrupt and incompetent institutions did in seizing my computer equipment in the first place. This stalling and buck-passing between police and prosecutors is inexcusable.

While police deny me access to that disc and its data, this denial is obstructing me from efficiently continuing with in-progress voluntary science duties in the service of humanity.

This wilful denial constitutes misconduct by the police and prosecutors in a public office which amounts, in my opinion, to a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY committed by police and by fiscal officers such as yourselves in Aberdeen PF's office. You lot are the dangerous criminals in this case, not me! Fiscal officers should be disbarred as solicitors - struck off - if they wilfully refuse to order the return of my science data. If the government will not strike off those guilty of such misconduct in a public office then we need a new government in my political opinion.

The truly mobile "mobile devices" taken - my TCL mobile phone and Packard Bell laptop - do not contain such currently in-use science data as the Dell PC but for example, the mobile phone has phone numbers of recent contacts which I don't have any other note of. So that's an inconvenience I could do without.

Secondly, why can't you copy the witness statements and email them to me so I can view them at home? What form are the statements in?

Paper? Don't you have a scanner? Can I use your scanner to copy paper statements onto my laptop?

Video? Video statements can also be copied digitally and emailed or if too large to email they can be copied onto a memory device.

Do you have appropriate IT support staff available for such tasks or will I have to do it all myself? I am technically able but I will either need to use your equipment or bring my own if you don't have IT support available.

"C S" - Claire Stewart?

Miss Claire Anne Stewart
Procurator Fiscal Service
AB1 Building Crimon Place ABERDEEN AB10 1BJ

Dear Miss Stewart,

I beg your pardon for my unsolicited email but I am seeking to discover the name of the Procurator Fiscal Depute who signed this letter -

- with initials I read as "C S". My guess is that those might be your initials so would you please clarify for me if they are, or help me discover whose initials they are if not yours?

I would like to discover the name of the Procurator Fiscal Depute who is prosecuting this case because, as the accused in this case, representing myself, I would like to expedite communications between the prosecution and the defence.


Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 at 09:33. Subject: PF Ref: AB25000403 Alastair Peter Dow. Return of property seized by police.

I am the accused Alastair Peter Dow representing myself.

My priority now is to secure the immediate return of my property seized by the police which is not required as evidence for your prosecution.

Speaking from the dock of Court 1 in Aberdeen Sheriff Court, yesterday, 15th January 2025 I said -

"Fourthly, I must repeat my previous requests for the return to me of my computer equipment, seized by the police, which I need in my possession to continue to do the full range of my science duties in the service of humanity but which the police and prosecution have never needed because I have always freely admitted tweeting the complained-about tweets.

There should be no dispute between prosecution and defence about the bare facts of this complaint and case. There is nothing left unproven which my computer equipment is needed by the prosecution to prove. The police and the prosecution don't need my property - have never needed my property - so return my property now please.

I implore the court - DO NOT commit a crime against humanity by obstructing the progress of science. Return my equipment to me forthwith!"

In previous emails, the full text of which is appended to this email and which were previously forwarded to Aberdeen Procurator Fiscal Service I wrote -

"But the Court and the Crown should take careful note that I have already admitted to the police (see my email forwarded below) to sending the tweets complained about from my X account "_Peter_Dow".

Therefore the Crown does not need to lead any further evidential proof that I sent my complained about tweets - and if required I would be happy to sign a memorandum of understanding for the Crown, admitting to sending the tweets but what I am not happy about is for the Crown and the police to keep in their possession my computers and mobile phone which I demand be returned to me immediately.

I need my Dell Optiplex desktop computer especially for the science data contained therein so that I can continue my duties as a scientist in the service of humanity. It is a crime against humanity to obstruct a scientist in the service of humanity. Therefore do not commit a crime against humanity and return to me my science data immediately. I need my science data and I am entitled to lawful possession of my own property generally. The Crown doesn't need my property for any lawful purpose so should instruct the police to return it to me forthwith.

It would be quite wrong for this case to drag out from one continuation after another while all the time the Crown maintains the fiction that I would deny authorship of tweets in my own name or that somehow a police smash and grab raid on my own home is required to prove that I tweeted my own tweets!"

"Secondly, as a scientist, I do voluntary duties in the service of humanity so you may be concerned to note that it is a crime against humanity to obstruct a scientist like myself in the course of my science duties by seizing my computer and precious scientific data. The computer may be replaced but very often the science data is irreplaceable. Therefore I strongly urge you to return my Dell Optiplex to me as soon as possible.

It is my understanding that your officers seized my computer and mobile in the course of their investigation into Case Number PSSECR53W1224 concerning a complaint about tweets I had made from my @_Peter_Dow X (formerly Twitter) account.

At an interview with your officers at Kittybrewster Police Custody Centre, yesterday 18th December 2024, I readily confirmed ownership of both that X account and authorship of the tweets complained about and I am happy to confirm that ownership and authorship in writing to you today again.

It therefore follows that there is nothing to be gained by police or prosecutors ordering a forensic examination of my computer and mobile phone to seek evidence for my authorship of those tweets which I have already admitted to. Such a forensic examination would be pointless, redundant, an unwarranted expense and it would obstruct my lawful use of my own property and obstruct my duties as a scientist. Please return my computer and mobile phone to me expeditiously."

 Peter Dow is not a "racist"

Thursday, 16 January 2025

The crimes of Islamo-fascists Humza Yousaf & Kaukab Stewart

On the 18th December 2024, police smashed my Aberdeen flat door in and took me as a political prisoner for the pleasure and convenience of Islamo-fascist politicians Humza Yousaf MSP, former First Minister of Scotland and Kaukab Stewart MSP, Scottish Government minister.

The police smash-and-grab raid also seized my computer equipment with my irreplaceable science data on it, obstructing my voluntary science duties in the service of humanity, which police-state obstruction of science is a crime against humanity committed by police, prosecutors and their Scottish Government masters.

This outrage was today (16th January 2025) whitewashed by a misleading P&J report 

Humza Yousaf says he's a Pakistani

which neglects to report anything of substance from what I said from the dock of Aberdeen Sheriff Court on 15th January 2025 while representing myself - disappointing after I had gone to the bother of providing the P&J court reporter, David McPhee, with a transcript of what I had said in court as follows.



Firstly, under section 144 "Procedure at First Diet" Subsection (4), I object to the competency and relevancy of any such summary complaint and proceedings thereon.

It is not competent for any court in this country to interfere with the cut and thrust of peaceful, lawful and orderly political debate, as happens routinely on social media sites such as X (formerly Twitter) or in any other public forum.

It is a common occurrence for anyone reading X to dislike a tweet or a series of tweets by an author so X offers its users options such as Mute & Block (in future to hide from your sight all the tweets of selected authors) and Report, asking X to consider whether or not any author of any tweet has broken X's rules and take appropriate action if it has.

No-one reading X needs intervention by the police or the courts to avoid reading further tweets from an author whose views they don't like. Simply mute, block and / or report. Don't waste everyone's time by complaining to the police.

Freely expressing one's political opinions and viewpoints is a legal human right - NOT "a crime".

From the Human Rights Act 1998. Schedule 1. The Convention Rights and Freedoms. 

Article 10. Freedom of expression

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.

Freedom of expression is a legal right so arresting or prosecuting particular complained-about expressions is not relevant to the normal function of the courts in any country where legal human rights are respected and upheld.

In fascist dictatorships such as Russia, North Korea and Pakistan brave citizens often get arrested and prosecuted or summarily shot by a secret agent of the state for peacefully saying what they think. But this is Scotland. This is Britain. This is NOT Pakistan.

We Scots and we Britons hold ourselves to a higher democratic standard. We won't willingly be ruled by a fascist dictatorship for the convenience of selfish politicians - to spare their political blushes, to maximise their political votes or to promote their political careers.

Rather we should resolve to oppose the malicious complaint of any fascist politician such as Humza Yousaf and Kaukab Stewart who dares to subvert the police and the courts just in order to try to silence a democratic critic by any means necessary.

What this prosecution is asking the court to do is to illegally crush my democratic freedom of expression which heavy-handed fascist action should be viewed as despicable in any democratic country such as ours.

This is my objection taken to the competency and relevancy of this complaint and these proceedings and so under section 157 "Record of proceedings" subsection (2) I desire my objection to be entered in the record of the proceedings.


Secondly, I apply to be admitted to bail under section 22A "Consideration of bail on first appearance" and section "23B Entitlement to bail and the court's function".

As an accused person, I am entitled to bail because there is no good reason for refusing me bail. I undertake to attend hearings and diets of the case. I shall not interfere with witnesses nor evidence and I shall not commit any crime while on bail. There is no good reason to add further spurious bail conditions to my bail which unjustly hinder my duties in science and politics. Therefore the Court merely has to ordain me to appear and I shall do so.


Thirdly, I shall when called upon to plead, plead NOT GUILTY to any charges following the malicious complaints about my dutiful political tweets, the context of which I explain in great detail in my earlier email and in particular in the attached PDF and associated online content accessible via my Wordpress blog.


Fourthly, I must repeat my previous requests for the return to me of my computer equipment, seized by the police, which I need in my possession to continue to do the full range of my science duties in the service of humanity but which the police and prosecution have never needed because I have always freely admitted tweeting the complained-about tweets.

There should be no dispute between prosecution and defence about the bare facts of this complaint and case. There is nothing left unproven which my computer equipment is needed by the prosecution to prove. The police and the prosecution don't need my property - have never needed my property - so return my property now please.

I implore the court - DO NOT commit a crime against humanity by obstructing the progress of science. Return my equipment to me forthwith!


As a life-long anti-racist, it is very unjust for me to be accused of "racially aggravated/ offensive" anything.😠Of course I am not a "racist". Humza Yousaf describes himself as "Pakistani". Kaukab Stewart was born in Pakistan. It's not "racist" to describe either of them as "Pakistani" or to use the shorter word "Paki" which just means Pakistani in the same way that "Brit" is a shorter word for "Briton", "Aussie" is short for "Australian", "Jap" for "Japanese" and so on.

P&J: Aberdeen man in court accused of racist online posts about Humza Yousaf

Peter Dow is NOT "a racist"