I'm on trial for my @peterdow tweets
Trial date - Aberdeen Sheriff Court,The tweets I posted on my @peterdow Twitter account in July 2014, two months before the Scottish independence referendum, employed republican political rhetoric to try to express in the strongest possible terms my political support -
- for a republic to replace the kingdom and
- for an elected president to replace the monarch as head of state.
None of my tweets were literal "threats" or literally "threatening" that I or anyone else could, would or should "threaten" the Queen.
My tweets were no more "a threat" to the Queen than Alex Salmond's "hold Westminster's feet to the fire" was a "threat" to anyone in Westminster. The police didn't arrest Salmond for making criminal "threats" for the same reason as the police shouldn't have arrested me.
Politicians and political authors alike sometimes use rhetorical language. In my tweets I have employed rhetoric such as figures of speech, hyperbole, brevitas and synecdoche and such tweets cannot reasonably be interpreted literally.
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Peter Dow with his school, college and university degree certificates |
My scientific opinion is that it was stupidity and ignorance on the part of police detectives, prosecutors and sheriffs who read my tweets and quoted them as their poor excuse -
- to seek a sheriff's warrant to incite police officers to force entry to my home, search it and take my property
- to break my front door down, as the police did, on 27th July 2014
- to arrest me, to charge me and to hold me in a police cell overnight,
- to ransack my flat from top to bottom, damaging my property in the process,
- to seize my computer and my memory devices holding my irreplaceable science research and development data
- to refuse to return my property even when it is not needed as "evidence" to "prove" anything because I admit the @peterdow tweets were mine
- to impose in Aberdeen Sheriff Court oppressive bail conditions requiring me not to access the website of scot.tk or social media, with the threat that bail would be withdrawn and I would be imprisoned until trial - and that's a real threat of police and prison officer violence against me
- to terrorize me from posting about my political views on social media, which at that time would have been increasingly about the campaign for the Scottish independence referendum, supporting a "YES" vote
- to trump up a criminal charge in respect of my social media posts
- to proceed to a unfair trial in Aberdeen Sheriff Court initially due on 4th of November (now the trial date has been moved to 23rd February 2016)
I would note in passing that gagging YES-campaigners, banning any of us from social media, rigged the indy-ref campaign in favour of a "NO" result.Although I am not a lawyer, it seems to me that all this unjustified police state violence and threats which I have suffered is in violation of my human rights in law under these articles of the European Convention of Human Rights -
Banning those like me who disagree with the so-called "Edinburgh Agreement" (which, unlike Salmond & Sturgeon, I would not have signed) - rigged the unjust outcome of Scotland still firmly stuck in the UK, ignoring the legitimate demand for a 2-state solution, which would mean establishing an independent Scottish state now, as is the democratic right of the 1.6 million people and the 4 council areas who voted "YES".
- Article 5 - liberty and security
- Article 6 - fair trial
- Article 8 - privacy
- Article 9 - conscience and religion
- Article 10 - expression
- Article 11 - association
- Article 13 - effective remedy
- Article 14 - discrimination
I propose that
- stupid and ignorant police officers and prosecutors should be dismissed from their employment
- everyone should exercise their viewer discretion whether or not to read the strong language which is to be found on Twitter and
- police and prosecutors should leave people like me posting harmless posts on social media well alone.
- Chief Constable Sir Stephen House and
- Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland
Aberdeen is doubly cursed with a dreadfully incompetent area Procurator Fiscal, Andrew Shanks who should also be sacked.
I'm innocent of any crime and no miscarriage of justice can accurately paint me as "a common criminal", because I could only ever be a political prisoner - unjustly arrested, unjustly prosecuted and perhaps unjustly convicted and unjustly punished for lawfully expressing my democratic political views.
The tyranny of the police, prosecutors and courts in this bad kingdom is one of the reasons I am a republican. I believe that we, the people, would serve ourselves more fairly by electing a president as a helpful head of state, not only a figurehead - someone with a duty to hold the officers of the state to account for their abuses.
Save my science
Scientists must be allowed to get on with our scientific duties in the public interest and in the service of humanity.- making renewable energy more competitive, efficient and practical
- mathematics to maximise energy generated from wind turbines 'farms'
- designs for super-sized hydro-electric pumped-storage schemes
- an approach towards a cure for cancer
- a prototype of a cheap cryo-surgical instrument - my 'freezerbaton'
- H-shaped super-bricks for assembling stronger, lighter structures
- other published ideas in various scientific fields
VIDEO of Peter Dow asking First Minister Sturgeon this question -
"Good evening to you First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and to your ministerial colleagues. My name is Peter Dow and I thank you for this opportunity to ask you a question.
Please may I have my computer equipment returned to me from the police who seized it when they raided my home in July 2014?
They've taken my scientific research data which is irreplaceable.
The police say they won't return my property unless and until they are instructed to do so by the procurator fiscal service.
My lawyer has written to them, I've written to them but the Procurator Fiscal Service have not replied to state any outstanding reason for still holding on to my computer equipment - and after six months, I'm still waiting.
Isn't it time for the Scottish government's law officers to look into this and then to order the return of my computer equipment?
Also, I noticed that our new First Minister did not appoint new law officers or a new Chief Constable of Police Scotland, and shouldn't ANY First Minister be allowed to pick a new team of colleagues and not be stuck with those from the previous administration?
VIDEO - First Minister Sturgeon replies to Peter Dow
Later that evening in February 2015, I spoke to Justice Minister Matheson, as First Minister Sturgeon had suggested and I passed to him a copy of my document explaining the circumstances and demolishing the flimsy case against me and requesting that the charges be dropped and that my computer equipment be returned to me.
Mr Matheson agreed to pass on my document to the law officers and I have anyway emailed the law officers directly myself. In all the 8 months since February 2015, the law officers have neither ensured that the Procurator Fiscal Service drop all charges against me nor have the law officers seen to it that the police return my computer equipment and irreplaceable science research data.
So I've long since run out of patience with the Scottish government's law officers, who are the failing Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland and the failing Solicitor General Lesley Thomson.
My opinion now is that the Scottish government's law officers should be summarily sacked and replaced by the First Minister because these law officers have violated their duty to ensure that the Procurator Fiscal Service should not prosecute citizens for our political viewpoints and should not violate citizens' legal human rights to freedom of expression.
These failing law officers cannot be trusted with independence from government, nor from the people's elected representatives. I therefore recommend that these law officers be held accountable for their failings and be summarily dismissed from their offices.
No state and no officer of the state should ever dare to obstruct what even one scientist can do for the prosperity of the people and for the benefit of humanity because there can be no "state immunity" for crimes against humanity, as the Nuremberg Trials demonstrated.
There is a saying "no good deed goes unpunished". Indeed, it does seem to be true anyway that no good deed by a republican goes unpunished by a Queen's court.
So I admit no "previous convictions". I admit only previous miscarriages of justice and wrongs done to me at the heavy hands of the Queen's courts' officials.
So I don't expect that there will be a fair trial for me, nor for any republican, in any unjust royalist kangaroo court of this kingdom, where judges, who serve the Queen but not the people, will be sitting in judgement on republicans, who serve the people but not the Queen.
Therefore in the unfair show trial on 23rd February 2016 I will be appearing before another royalist court which can so easily do a wrong to me, especially if such court-wrong-doing is thought by wrong-doing royalists to serve their Queen.
I believe that there can be
In serving the Queen, royalist judges often
No doubt my lawyer will do his best on the day but I believe that my best political defence can only be published by myself, in my blog, in emails and in press releases.
Scottish independence campaigner, Peter Dow, on trial for Queen-tweets http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #indyref #the45 #SNP #Braveheart
You may notice that I have included today's day "" at the end of those suggested tweets. I would like you to tweet these tweets today please and also tweet them again on future days when you have the time.
The blog post updates the date every day so simply copy and paste the tweet texts from the blog post to be sure to include that day's date so that the tweets will be unique - which matters because I think Twitter can ignore identical tweets from the same person.
Or compose your own tweet but do include the link to this blog and a couple of hashtags so that, providing your Twitter has enough followers, your tweet will appear in hashtag searches.
A crime against humanity
To interrupt my scientific duties and service to humanity with a police raid and court action amounts to the state harming the public interest and committing a crime against humanity.No state and no officer of the state should ever dare to obstruct what even one scientist can do for the prosperity of the people and for the benefit of humanity because there can be no "state immunity" for crimes against humanity, as the Nuremberg Trials demonstrated.
No justice for republicans in Queen's courts
I have been victimized, traumatised and offended against in this case and in other cases before this one, by what the sadistic and vindictive police, prosecutors, courts and prisons have unjustly and illegally done to me when, as a good man with a keen social conscience, I have bravely tried to do my duty to my neighbours, my community, my home city of Aberdeen and my country of Scotland and suffered arrests and imprisonment for my good deeds.There is a saying "no good deed goes unpunished". Indeed, it does seem to be true anyway that no good deed by a republican goes unpunished by a Queen's court.
So I admit no "previous convictions". I admit only previous miscarriages of justice and wrongs done to me at the heavy hands of the Queen's courts' officials.
So I don't expect that there will be a fair trial for me, nor for any republican, in any unjust royalist kangaroo court of this kingdom, where judges, who serve the Queen but not the people, will be sitting in judgement on republicans, who serve the people but not the Queen.
Therefore in the unfair show trial on 23rd February 2016 I will be appearing before another royalist court which can so easily do a wrong to me, especially if such court-wrong-doing is thought by wrong-doing royalists to serve their Queen.
I believe that there can be
- courts which serve the people and do what is right and just, or,
- courts which serve the Queen and do what is wrong and unjust
In serving the Queen, royalist judges often
- follow misleading evidence lead by "the Crown" - the prosecutors
- defer to the kingdom's fallible authorities
- have contempt for human rights law
- dish out cruel punishments for trivial or minor offences
No doubt my lawyer will do his best on the day but I believe that my best political defence can only be published by myself, in my blog, in emails and in press releases.
Want to help?
If you would like to help my political defence then here are some things you can easily do -Suggested tweets
Please pick one or more from the following list of suggested tweets. Simply copy and paste your pick of texts to your Twitter page and tweet them!
Peter Dow's political defence blog http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #indyref #SNP #Scotland2016 #scotnight #ScottishLabour #ReportingScotland
Peter Dow's political defence blog http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #indyref #SNP #amnestyinternational #humanrights #bbcsp #bbcqt #BBCNews
Scottish nationalist author, Peter Dow, in Aberdeen Sheriff court for Queen-tweets http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #SNP #NicolaSturgeon
Scottish democratic socialist, Peter Dow, on trial for republican tweets http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #KeziaDugdale #ScottishLabour
Scottish political news: Republican Peter Dow's tweets on trial http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #ReportingScotland #SNP #Holyrood #StvNews
Aberdeen Sheriff Court Twitter-trial of Scottish scientist Peter Dow http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #ScotsLaw #HumanRights #Article19 #ECHR
Scottish twitter-trial of Peter Dow. Should republicanism be criminalised? http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #bbcsp #bbcqt #PMQs #FMQs #SNP
Peter Dow's political defence blog http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #indyref #SNP #Scotland2016 #scotnight #ScottishLabour #ReportingScotland
Peter Dow's political defence blog http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #indyref #SNP #amnestyinternational #humanrights #bbcsp #bbcqt #BBCNews
Scottish nationalist author, Peter Dow, in Aberdeen Sheriff court for Queen-tweets http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #SNP #NicolaSturgeon
Aberdeen scientist, Peter Dow, faces Twitter-trial for republican Queen-tweets http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #Scotland2016 #scotnight
Scottish democratic socialist, Peter Dow, on trial for republican tweets http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #KeziaDugdale #ScottishLabour
Scottish political news: Republican Peter Dow's tweets on trial http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #ReportingScotland #SNP #Holyrood #StvNews
Aberdeen Sheriff Court Twitter-trial of Scottish scientist Peter Dow http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #ScotsLaw #HumanRights #Article19 #ECHR
Scottish twitter-trial of Peter Dow. Should republicanism be criminalised? http://peter-dow.blogspot.com/ #bbcsp #bbcqt #PMQs #FMQs #SNP
Scottish independence campaigner, Peter Dow, on trial for Queen-tweets http://peter-dow.blogspot.com #indyref #the45 #SNP #Braveheart
You may notice that I have included today's day "" at the end of those suggested tweets. I would like you to tweet these tweets today please and also tweet them again on future days when you have the time.
The blog post updates the date every day so simply copy and paste the tweet texts from the blog post to be sure to include that day's date so that the tweets will be unique - which matters because I think Twitter can ignore identical tweets from the same person.
Or compose your own tweet but do include the link to this blog and a couple of hashtags so that, providing your Twitter has enough followers, your tweet will appear in hashtag searches.
Post a link
Please post a link to this blog on another social media network or on an on-line discussion forum of your choice.
Peter Dow's political defence blog